How to answer hard Vitamin A questions. Infographic help.


By Jennifer Munro, Professor Des Fernandes, Dr Ernst Eiselen and Candace Noonan

Why does it have to be so hard?

Without the benefit of a chemistry degree, it’s quite difficult to understand all the different forms of Vitamin A and then, once you’ve grasped them – it’s even more difficult to understand why it’s so wrong to think in percentages of active ingredients rather than International Units. Marketers who are only interested in selling products and really haven’t done the scientific research into international standards for the measuring of chemicals or studied the molecular weights of ingredients and their metabolic pathways are inclined to make credible sounding claims that, to a scientist, sound ludicrous. But, as usual, there are good reasons and logical thinking behind the reasons to use IU's and not percentages. 

People in the know get bombarded with questions about Vitamin A as it is the single most important ingredient for skin health. Which one? How much? All of these issues make a difference. Science is obviously what you want when choosing such an important ingredient, but it isn't always easy to understand. 

Time for an Infographic

When I first tackled the design of this infographic, I felt overwhelmed by the task, so it was easy for me to understand how most people must feel when faced with questions from clients. I set out to make it as simple and memorable as possible and I think I (at least) now understand it! This is a real myth-buster of an infographic. I pestered Professor Des Fernandes, Dr Ernst Eiselen and Candace Noonan Director of Education for Dermaconcepts (USA Environ Distributor) until I untangled what was obvious and simple to them, but as clear as mud to me.

Download your Infographic here!



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 If you would like to read a medical text book on the subject of Vitamin A, you can find one here